PWA 2024/2025 MEMBERSHIP FEESRenew your membership by July 31st to benefit from Early Bird discounted fee!Membership is valid from September 1st to August 31st the following year. Please note any payments received after 15th of September will be considered a new membership not a renewal. Credit card on website or €170 new member €150 renewal membership if renewed by September 15th €130 if renewed by July 31st €100 new member from January to June |
INDIVIDUAL JAN-JUNE MEMBERSHIPEach individual membership benefits include:
Discounted membership fee Individual:
| Individual MembershipEach individual membership benefits include:
Total Value: € 560 euros Membership fee Individual:
Corporate MembershipPWA Corporate Membership benefits € 500 per year include:
Total Value: € 775 euros Membership fee Corporate:
Young Membership under 30Are you looking for a new kind of network in which you can spread your ideas and offer input – in person? Do you want to meet like-minded people here in Rome who share your same interests? And will give you feedback to boot? Interested in having a launch pad for your bright ideas, brand or start-up business with others there to witness the take-off? If so, become an Associate Member of PWA Rome – Professional Women's Association – together with over a hundred women professionals active in Rome, Italy and abroad. If you're a young student, a new graduate or a career woman under 30, join us at PWA – bring us your best self and help us all become better today than yesterday. Young individual membership benefits include:
Total Value: € 560 euros Membership fee Young Member:
Patron/PWA supporterIf you're thinking about what you can do for others, if you inspire others to do their best, if you enjoy your job, if you're a high flyer... If you’re a vital part of your business, if you feel important at work, if you’re an achiever... PWA wants you to be part of something big: because men matter! Irrespective of age, experience or background we’d love to have you join our Association as a Friend of PWA. Patron/PWA supporter membership benefits include:
Total Value: € 560 euros Membership fee Patron:
SPECIAL EVENT MEMBERSHIPEach special event membership benefits include:
Total Value: € 560 euros *Membership fee: € 150 euros |
*Special event membership is only available to individuals who sign up at our events. Membership can only be activated by sending a message to: