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About Us

Our Purpose

Be the voice for women in the professional community. Advancing empowerment leadership, creating business opportunities and recognizing women’s achievements.

Our Mission

To create an uplifting inclusive community  where every woman can unleash her full human and professional potential through inspirational learning, networking and meaningful connections.  We foster  a spirit of diversity, sisterhood and unity.

Our Culture

Our membership is incredibly diverse, representing a wide array of professions, industries, and cultural backgrounds. We believe in the strength that comes from embracing diversity and fostering inclusion.

About the professional women's association 

The PWA is a non-profit networking organization that supports and promotes the interests of professional women of different nationalities, from diverse cultural environments. We believe in sharing information, ideas and resources to create mutual opportunities and since 1992 PWA provides a “friendly forum” for women who want to expand their world for personal and professional growth.

get ready to network!

You can catch us at these and other exciting events we hold throughout the year.

Hear what our members have to say!

Listen to what our members have to say about PWA and why they are so inspired to be part of our growing inclusive community.


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Professional Women's Association
Via Ennio Quirino Visconti 103, Roma 00193

C.F. 9748762058

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© 2024 PWA Rome, a non-profit 501(c)3 exempt organization

Website by Nicasio LLC

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