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Meet the 2024-2025 Board

Partnership Director

Elena Palloni

ElenaElena Palloni- PhD in Political Philosophy and International Relations has an impressive background.  She has had 20 years of experience in a variety of positions in local and central government. Within the Ministry of Defense, she was appointed in many advisory roles in the negotiation field (Labour Unions’ negotiation; international armament cooperation; crisis management/ consensus building in different national or international committees), while pursuing her interest in the matter, both at academic and practitioner level, in relation “Leadership”, “Cross Cultural Competences” and “Negotiation”. She is also as a “Reserve” Navy Officer in of friendship with people around the Marina Militare Italiana.


She is currently working at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, in the department for Equal Opportunities, where she follows the international activities stemming from the Italian participation in different fora such as UN, Council of Europe, UE, G7, etc.

She has traveled and lived in many different places, where she developed strong bonds the world, people that have become her “framily”, as she calls them. Elena is a citizen of the world, but in her heart, she is always bringing her family and her hometown, Rimini.

Elena is eager to contribute to the board's mission of women helping women, inclusion, diversity and gender equality.

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Professional Women's Association
Via Ennio Quirino Visconti 103, Roma 00193

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